البرنامج الرائع لعمل الالبومات والتعديل علي الصور باحترافيه عاليه TwistedBrush Pro Studio 18.10 في اخر اصدار + السريال علي اكثر من سيرفر مباشر
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البرنامج الرائع لعمل الالبومات والتعديل علي الصور باحترافيه عاليه TwistedBrush Pro Studio 18.10 في اخر اصدار + السريال علي اكثر من سيرفر مباشر
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 18.10
من اروع برامج التعديل الخرافي علي الصور
والبوماتها ولايحتوى على تعقيدات برامج الرسم الاخرى ويمكنك المقارنة
بينهم كما انه ممتاز وسهل التعامل معه وايضا تسطيع التعديل وكانك محترف
فهو يحتوي علي اكثر من 3000 فرشاه للمصممين كما يحتوي على نماذج تطبيق وقوالب جاهزة
رائعة وابداعية حقاً, كما يحتوي البرنامج على العديد من الادوات الاحترافية والتي تجعل من صورك تحف فنيه
- digital paint software with complete natural art tools - oils,
acrylics, pastel, charcoal etc. Software for artists without the
complexity of other art programs. TwistedBrush
- creating art the way it should be, simple and fun! Simplicity without
sacrifice, powerful enough for the professional artist yet simply
enough for the novice. TwistedBrush
has one of the most versatile and powerful brush engines in existence,
yet it was designed from day one to be easy to use. Over 2000 brushes,
layers, realistic media, photo cloning, tracing, masks, particles,
filters, script recording, scripts to AVI, drawing tablet support, brush
shapes, patterns, textures, integrated scanner support, image brushes,
drawing guides, reference image views, dirty brushes, scratch layer,
dynamic palettes and much more!
* Added - New ArtSet Art Pro - Pattern added. With more powerful and easier to use pattern brushes than previously available including the ability to use Clips as your pattern!
* Added - Clip Fill filter added to the Generate category of filters.
* Added - Detail Enhance filter to the Photo category of filters.
* Added - New brush effects Luminance Rnd, Luminance add, Luminance sub, Hue adj, Sat adj and Luminance adj.
* Added - New brush effects, Bsh Pat Scale, Select Pattern, Select Rotation, Select Shape and Select Texture.
* Added - New brush effect, Clip Pattern.
* Added - It is now possible for the Brush Control panel to have a button for selecting a Pattern, Rotation, Shape or Texture.
* Improved - The Brush O Matic brush in the Art Pro - Design ArtSet has been updated for better pattern handling.
* Fixed - When selecting and canceling a brush effect type in the Brush Effects panel for an effect that has brush control settings do not lose the brush control settings.
* Fixed - The Saturation brush effects where not correct when saturation was set as full.
* Fixed - The Contrast Mask filter and other other filters that rely on it could crash at some very specific image sizes.
* Fixed - With certain special brush types selected were selected the Filters dialog would not work properly to beyond the first preview.
21 ميجا
السريال مرفق مع البرنامج
upfile مباشر
10upload مباشر
Filekeen مباشر
Seedfly مباشر
Seedmoon مباشر
من اروع برامج التعديل الخرافي علي الصور
والبوماتها ولايحتوى على تعقيدات برامج الرسم الاخرى ويمكنك المقارنة
بينهم كما انه ممتاز وسهل التعامل معه وايضا تسطيع التعديل وكانك محترف
فهو يحتوي علي اكثر من 3000 فرشاه للمصممين كما يحتوي على نماذج تطبيق وقوالب جاهزة
رائعة وابداعية حقاً, كما يحتوي البرنامج على العديد من الادوات الاحترافية والتي تجعل من صورك تحف فنيه
- digital paint software with complete natural art tools - oils,
acrylics, pastel, charcoal etc. Software for artists without the
complexity of other art programs. TwistedBrush
- creating art the way it should be, simple and fun! Simplicity without
sacrifice, powerful enough for the professional artist yet simply
enough for the novice. TwistedBrush
has one of the most versatile and powerful brush engines in existence,
yet it was designed from day one to be easy to use. Over 2000 brushes,
layers, realistic media, photo cloning, tracing, masks, particles,
filters, script recording, scripts to AVI, drawing tablet support, brush
shapes, patterns, textures, integrated scanner support, image brushes,
drawing guides, reference image views, dirty brushes, scratch layer,
dynamic palettes and much more!
* Added - New ArtSet Art Pro - Pattern added. With more powerful and easier to use pattern brushes than previously available including the ability to use Clips as your pattern!
* Added - Clip Fill filter added to the Generate category of filters.
* Added - Detail Enhance filter to the Photo category of filters.
* Added - New brush effects Luminance Rnd, Luminance add, Luminance sub, Hue adj, Sat adj and Luminance adj.
* Added - New brush effects, Bsh Pat Scale, Select Pattern, Select Rotation, Select Shape and Select Texture.
* Added - New brush effect, Clip Pattern.
* Added - It is now possible for the Brush Control panel to have a button for selecting a Pattern, Rotation, Shape or Texture.
* Improved - The Brush O Matic brush in the Art Pro - Design ArtSet has been updated for better pattern handling.
* Fixed - When selecting and canceling a brush effect type in the Brush Effects panel for an effect that has brush control settings do not lose the brush control settings.
* Fixed - The Saturation brush effects where not correct when saturation was set as full.
* Fixed - The Contrast Mask filter and other other filters that rely on it could crash at some very specific image sizes.
* Fixed - With certain special brush types selected were selected the Filters dialog would not work properly to beyond the first preview.
هذه الصورة تم تصغيرها . إضغط على هذا الشريط لرؤية الصورة بحجمها الطبيعي . أبعاد الصورة الأصلية 1024x768 . |
21 ميجا
السريال مرفق مع البرنامج
upfile مباشر
10upload مباشر
Filekeen مباشر
Seedfly مباشر
Seedmoon مباشر
المصدر عرب سيد
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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