..::عرب سيد 4::..
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

كتاب اساسيات حماية الشبكة / Network Security Foundations

اذهب الى الأسفل

كتاب اساسيات حماية الشبكة / Network Security Foundations  Empty كتاب اساسيات حماية الشبكة / Network Security Foundations

مُساهمة من طرف ابو على السبت 01 أكتوبر 2011, 19:15

كتاب اساسيات حماية الشبكة / Network Security Foundations
Network Security Foundations: Technology Fundamentals for IT Success
By Matthew Strebe
* Publisher: Sybex
* Number Of Pages: 315
* Publication Date: 2004-10-01
* ISBN / ASIN: 0782143741

كتاب اساسيات حماية الشبكة / Network Security Foundations  4121BMCHRXL

Book Description:

The world of IT is always evolving, but in every area there are stable,
core concepts that anyone just setting out needed to know last year,
needs to know this year, and will still need to know next year. The
purpose of the Foundations series is to identify these concepts and
present them in a way that gives you the strongest possible starting
point, no matter what your endeavor.
تعلم شبكات

Network Security Foundations provides essential knowledge about the
principles and techniques used to protect computers and networks from
hackers, viruses, and other threats. What you learn here will benefit
you in the short term, as you acquire and practice your skills, and in
the long term, as you use them. Topics covered include:
تعلم شبكات
* Why and how hackers do what they do
* How encryption and authentication work
* How firewalls work
* Understanding Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
* Risks posed by remote access
* Setting up protection against viruses, worms, and spyware
* Securing Windows computers
* Securing UNIX and Linux computers
* Securing Web and email servers
* Detecting attempts by hackers


المصدر المصراوي التعليمي
ابو على
ابو على
المدير العام
المدير العام

عدد المساهمات : 10509
نقاط : 39499
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2009
العمر : 44
الموقع : https://arabseed4.yoo7.com


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